



鲁功达,副教授,博士生导师,加拿大渥太华大学土木工程系博士、麦吉尔大学地质力学实验室访问学者,四川省海外高层次留学人才,Springer Nature旗下Geotechnical and Geological Engineering期刊(影响因子=1.9)副主编。主要从事岩土多场耦合计算与本构建模方面的教学研究工作,相关成果主要应用于白鹤滩水电站地下洞室群和加拿大Chidliak钻石尾矿处置工程,发表学术论文40余篇,以第一/通讯作者在Géotechnique,International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences和Engineering Geology等国际地质力学领域权威期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,其中中科院一区刊物10余篇。担任Composite Structures、Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering、Computers and Geotechnics等30余种国际SCI期刊审稿人,以及教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心、中国国际工程咨询有限公司、以及智利自然科学基金委员会等机构的评审专家。曾获四川大学教学质量优秀奖、大学生创新创业与实践教育优秀指导教师和优秀共产党员称号、以及《工程地质学报》优秀论文、渥太华大学优秀博士论文提名等荣誉,指导本科生获优秀本科毕业论文、大学生创新创业训练计划国家级项目等成果,并在全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛中获奖。

ResearchGate 个人主页



1. 复杂赋存环境中的岩土温度-渗流-力学-化学(THMC)耦合模型开发应用

2. 岩石爆炸冲击动力响应的试验与本构模型开发应用

3. 岩石蠕变行为的试验与本构模型开发应用


弹性力学及有限元;Advances in Water Science and Engineering;防洪与治河工程;专业英语


1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金, 深部高应力软岩动静荷载组合作用力学机制与爆炸破岩机理, 2020 - 2022, 主持。

2. 建设世界一流大学专项基金, 深部多尺度地下水网爆破构建技术研究, 2019 - 2021, 主持。

3. 四川大学创新火花项目, 深部应力作用下的碳酸盐岩冲击动力响应研究, 2019 - 2021, 主持。

4. 中国葛洲坝集团股份有限公司项目,大渡河金川水电站泄洪洞安全监测施工配套工程,2020 - 2022,主持。

5. 加拿大自然科学基金项目,Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical behaviour of cemented paste backfill in static and dynamic loading conditions, and application to their engineering design, 2013-2017, 参与。

6. 华东勘测设计研究院有限公司,白鹤滩水电站巨型地下洞室群围岩变形破坏机理及时间效应研究,2019-2022,参与。


(1)Gongda Lu, Patrick Selvadurai, Mohamed Meguid*, 2024. Aquathermal effect of anomalous pressure generation in consolidating minefill. Géotechnique, 在线发表 (IF=5.8, 中科院1区,川大B级)

(2)Gongda Lu, Patrick Selvadurai, Mohamed Meguid*, 2024. Analytical solution to non-isothermal pore-pressure evolution in hydrating minefill. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 在线发表 (IF=3.6, 中科院2区,川大D级)

(3) Jianfeng Liu, Xing Luo, Gan Feng, Lulin Zhou, Xingguo Yang,Gongda Lu*, 2023. Creep characteristics of thermally-stressed Beishan granite under triaxial compression. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 162, 105302. (IF=7.2, 中科院1区,川大B级)

(4)Gongda Lu, Jiawen Zhou, Jianfeng Liu, Lang Liu, Xingguo Yang, Jian Tao#, 2023. A bounding surface viscoplastic damage model for time-dependent rock deformation. Mechanics of Materials, 180, 104609 (IF=3.9, 中科院2区,川大B级)

(5) Jianfeng Liu, Cheng Lyu,Gongda Lu*, Xiangchao Shi, Hua Li, Chao Liang, Chaofu Deng, 2022. Evaluating a new method for direct testing of rock tensile strength. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 160, 105258. (IF=7.2, 中科院1区,川大B级)

(6) Jian Tao#, Xingguo Yang, Peipei Ding, Xilong Li, Jiawen Zhou,Gongda Lu*, 2022. A fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical model for cemented backfill application in geothermal conditions. Engineering Geology, 302, 106643. (IF=7.4, 中科院1区,川大B级)

(7) Jian Tao#, Anchi Shi, Hongtao Li, Jiawen Zhou, Xingguo Yang,Gongda Lu*, 2021. Thermal-mechanical modelling of rock response and damage evolution during excavation in prestressed geothermal deposits. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 147, 104913. (IF=7.2, 中科院1区,川大B级)

(8) Hao Xu#, Xingguo Yang, Jianhai Zhang, Jiawen Zhou, Jian Tao,Gongda Lu*. 2020. A closed-form solution to spherical wave propagation in triaxial stress fields. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 128, 104266. (IF=7.2, 中科院1区,川大B级)

(9)Gongda Lu, XingguoYang, Shunchao Qi, Gang Fan, Jiawen Zhou*. 2020. Coupled chemo-hydro-mechanical effects in one-dimensional accretion of cemented mine fills. Engineering Geology, 267, 105495. (IF=7.4, 中科院1区,川大B级)

(10)Gongda Lu, Xingguo Yang, Shunchao Qi, Xilong Li, Peipei Ding, Jiawen Zhou*. 2020. A generic framework for overpressure generation in sedimentary sequences under thermal perturbations. Computers and Geotechnics, 124, 103636. (IF=5.3, 中科院1区,川大C级)


1) Fatemeh Tavanaei,Gongda Lu, Agus Sasmito, Ferri Hassani. 2024. The thermal behavior of a developed zero-cement backfill in a novel technique used in arctic mining. 14th International Symposium on Mining with Backfill (Minefill 2024), Vancouver, Canada.

2) Ahmed Ibrahim,Gongda Lu, Mohamed Meguid. 2024. Numerical investigation of thermal response of geogrid-reinforced embankments. 77th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Montreal, Canada.

3)鲁功达. 2023. 土耳其Cayeli铜矿充填体压力异常分析. 第十四届中国有色金属学会青年科技论坛, 西安, 中国.

4)鲁功达. 2022.水热增压效应诱发的充填体压力异常:现象、机理与启示. 第十一届中国充填采矿技术与装备大会暨第九届中国矿山安全技术装备与管理大会, 郴州, 中国.

5)Gongda Lu, Mamadou Fall. 2016. Modelling blast-induced liquefaction of tailings backfill at early ages. GeoVancouver, the 69th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

6)Gongda Lu, Mamadou Fall. 2015. Coupled modelling of the behaviour of soft cementitious material exposed to underground mines blasting. 11th International Conference on Shock and Impact Loads on Structures, Ottawa, Canada.


(1)鲁功达,丁培培,安之阳,刘朝晖,曾理,周洋,深部高温流变矿床尾矿充填体孔隙水压模拟方法及其应用,2023.04.18,中国,ZL 202210492604.7(发明专利)











(1) 石安池;鲁功达; 洪望兵。《白鹤滩巨型地下洞室群围岩变形破坏机理与时间效应》,科学出版社,2023。

(2) 周宏伟; 费文平;鲁功达。《现代治河工程》,四川大学出版社,2019 .

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