




2005.07-现在, IM电竞-IM电竞平台

2018.09-2019.08,英国King’s Collge London访学1年



水科学进展, 水文, 人民长江, 干旱区资源与环境, 应用生态学报, Environmental science & technology(一区), Water Research(一区), Journal of Hazardous Materials (一区), Separation and Purification Technology (一区), Journal of Cleaner Production (一区), Science of the total environment (B刊), Desalination (B刊), Environmental Pollution(二区), Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology(二区), Urban Climate(二区), Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Water and Environment Journal, Environmental Earth Sciences, Scientific Reports, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry等国内外学术刊物发表论文50余篇。




四川大学青年骨干教师、四川大学本科教学实习队一等奖、四川大学水电IM电竞 优秀教师、四川大学唐立新奖、四川大学教学成果奖一等奖、四川大学教学成果奖三等奖、中国水利教育协会2020年高等学校水利类专业教学成果二等奖、四川大学基于智慧教学环境的“探究式——小班化”教学质量优秀奖、四川大学优秀共产党员、IM电竞 优秀共产党员等。


1.生态水文及地下水科学:科研团队在此方向已培养多名硕博士研究生,研究生在此方向以第一作者发表论文于Journal of Hydrology,Hydrological Processes, Water Resources Management, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Science of the Total Environment, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Ecological Indicators, Environmental science and pollution research international, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal,水利学报,水科学进展等期刊。

2.新兴污染物(微塑料)()生态环境影响:基于主持的国家自然科学基金面上项目(深水库区微塑料时空分布及迁移机制研究),本人在此方向以第一/通讯作者发表于国际知名期刊:Environmental science & technology, Water Research,Journal of Hazardous Materials, Environmental Pollution, Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Environmental Pollution等。

3.同位素水文学:从2008年至今,在四川岷江、沱江、大渡河、青衣江等做了大量实验,是四川大学较早开展相关研究的科研团队。此方向已培养了多名硕博士研究生,相关科研成果本人以第一/通讯作者发表于国内外核心期刊:水科学进展,水文,人民长江,干旱区资源与环境,应用生态学报, Science of the total environment, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Water and Environment Journal, Scientific Reports, Environmental Earth Sciences, Water Practice and Technology等。

4.废水处理:特别是高盐工业废水膜法处理技术等,如超滤、纳滤、反渗透、正渗透及膜蒸馏等膜处理技术及组合工艺应用,相关科研成果发表在Water Research,Journal of Cleaner Production, Separation and Purification Technology, Science of The Total Environment, Desalination等。


(1) Yichen Liu, Zhongquan Nie,Yuchuan Meng*, Guodong Liu, Yu Chen, Guangming Chai. Influence of meteorological conditions on atmospheric microplastic transport and deposition.Environmental Research,2025, 265: 120460.(通讯作者,中科院二区)

(2) Yichen Liu,Yuchuan Meng*,Guodong Liu, Shu Xie. Effects of high dams and large reservoirs with cascade development on stable water isotopes.Physics and Chemistry of the Earth,2025, 137: 103807. DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2024.103807.(通讯作者,中科院三区)

(3)Yuchuan Meng, An Ran, Zhong Qiao, Yan Zhongsen, Chang Haiqing, Qu Fangshu, Liang Heng. Organic fouling in membrane distillation caused by biopolymers and humic substances: Role of cation types.Separation and Purification Technology,2025,355: 129476. DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2024.129476.(第一作者,中科院一区)

(4) Chang Haiqing, Ma Zeren, Qu Dan, Yan Zhongsen, Liang Ying,Meng Yuchuan, Qu, Fangshu, Liang, Heng. Fertilizer-driven FO and MD integrated process for shale gas produced water treatment: Draw solution evaluation and PAC enhancement.Water Research,2024, 266: 122434. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2024.122434.

(5) Gu Suhua, Qu Fangshu, Qu Dan, Yan Zhongsen,Meng Yuchuan,Liang Ying, Chang Haiqing, Liang Heng. Improving membrane distillation performance by Fe(II) activated sodium percarbonate oxidation during the treatment of shale gas produced water.Water Research,2024, 262: 122139. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2024.122139.

(6) Chen Yu,Meng Yuchuan*,Liu Guodong, Huang Xiaohua, Chai Guangming, Xie Yang. Atmospheric deposition of microplastics at a western China metropolis: Relationship with underlying surface types and human exposure.Environmental Pollution,2024, 355: 124192. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124192.(通讯作者,中科院二区)

(7) Chen Yu,Meng Yuchuan*,Liu Guodong, Huang Xiaohua, Chai Guangming. Probabilistic Estimation of Airborne Micro- and Nanoplastic Intake in Humans. Environmental Science & Technology,2024, 58(21): 9071-9081. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.3c09189.(通讯作者,中科院一区)

(8)Meng Yuchuan,Liu Guodong, Xiang Qiyun, Liu Yichen. Spatio-temporal variation characteristics of stable isotopes of tap water and its potential as a proxy for surface water in Sichuan, China.Science of The Total Environment,2024, 912: 168755. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168755.(第一作者,中科院一区)

(9) Ma Zeren, Chang Haiqing, Liang Ying,Meng Yuchuan, Ren Li, Liang Heng. Research progress and trends on state-of-the-art membrane technologies in textile wastewater treatment.Separation and Purification Technology,2024, 333: 125853, DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2023.125853.

(10) Chai Guangming, Nie Zhongquan, Liu Guodong, Huang Xiaohua, Chen Yu, Yang Xiaofeng,Meng Yuchuan*. Microplastic Pollution in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Current State and Future Perspectives.Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,2023, 261(1): 19. DOI: 10.1007/s44169-023-00044-y.

(11) Xia Chengcheng, Liu Yujie,Meng Yuchuan*,Liu Guodong, Huang Xiaohua, Chen Yu, Chen Ke. Stable isotopes reveal the surface water-groundwater interaction and variation in young water fraction in an urbanized river zone. Urban Climate, 2023, 51: 101641. DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2023.101641.(通讯作者,中科院二区)

(12) Xia Chengcheng, Liu Guodong,Meng Yuchuan*, Chen Ke. Comparison of Intra-Event Characteristics of Hydrogen and Oxygen Stable Isotopes between Rainfall and Throughfall and the Effects of Pre-Event Precipitation.FORESTS,2023, 14(8): 1603. DOI: 10.3390/f14081603.(通讯作者,中科院二区)

(13) Huang Xiaohua, Chen Yu,Meng Yuchuan*, Liu Guodong. Mitigating airborne microplastics pollution from perspectives of precipitation and underlying surface types.Water Research,2023, 243: 120385. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2023.120385.(通讯作者,中科院一区)

(14)Meng Yuchuan, Zhong Qiao, Liu Yujie, Yan Zhongsen, Liang Ying, Chang Haiqing, Liang Heng, Vidic Radisav D. Evaluating membrane cleaning for organic fouling in direct contact membrane distillation.Journal of Cleaner Production.2023, 410: 137319. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137319.(第一作者,中科院一区)

(15) Chen Ke, Liu Guodong, Xia Chengcheng,Meng Yuchuan*, Tetzlaff Doerthe, Zhong Qiao, Chang Jianghao. Water cycling and partitioning through the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum in a subtropical, urban woodland inferred by water stable isotopes.Hydrological Processes,2022, 36(11): e14746. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14746.

(16) Xiang Qiyun, Liu Guodong, Meng Yuchuan, Chen Ke, Xia Chengcheng. Temporal trends of deuterium excess in global precipitation and their environmental controls under a changing climate.Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry,2022, 331(9): 3633-3649. DOI: 10.1007/s10967-022-08414-x.

(17) Xiaohua Huang, Yu Chen,Yuchuan Meng*,Guodong Liu, Mengxi Yang. Are we ignoring the role of urban forests in intercepting atmospheric microplastics?Journal of Hazardous Materials,2022, 436, 129096.(通讯作者,中科院一区)

(18) Jianghao Chang, Haiqing Chang*,Yuchuan Meng*, Huaxin Zhao, Mengzhe Lu, Ying Liang, Zhongsen Yan, Heng Liang. Effects of surfactants types on membrane wetting and membrane hydrophobicity recovery in direct contact membrane distillation.Separation and Purification Technology,2022,301(15): 122029(通讯作者,中科院一区)

(19) Liu Naiming, Yang Jie, Hu Xueqi, Zhao Huaxin, Chang Haiqing, Liang Ying, Pang Lina,Meng Yuchuan, Liang Heng. Fouling and chemically enhanced backwashing performance of low-pressure membranes during the treatment of shale gas produced water.The Science of the total environment,2022, 840:156664.

(20) Chen Yu, Liu Guodong, Huang Xiaohua,Meng Yuchuan. Groundwater Remediation Design Underpinned By Coupling Evolution Algorithm With Deep Belief Network Surrogate.Water Resources Management,2022, 36(7):2223-2239.

(21) Zhao Huaxin, Lu Mengzhe, Hu Xueqi, Chang Haiqing, Yan Zhongsen, Liang Ying,Meng Yuchuan, Liang Heng. Evaluation of the performance of ultrasound-assisted membrane distillation crystallization process for water and sodium chloride recovery in hypersaline solution.Desalination,2022, 531:115727.

(22) Xia Chengcheng, Liu Guodong,Meng Yuchuan, Jiang Fangting. Reveal the threat of water quality risks in Yellow River Delta based on evidences from isotopic and hydrochemical analyses.Marine Pollution Bulletin,2022, 177:113532.

(23) Zhou Jing, Liu Guodong,Meng Yuchuan*, Xia ChengCheng, Chen Ke and Chen Yu. Using stable isotopes as tracer to investigate hydrological condition and estimate water residence time in a plain region, Chengdu, China.Scientific Reports,2021, 11: 2812.(通讯作者)

(24) Chen Ke,Meng Yuchuan*, Liu Guodong, Xia Chengcheng. Analysis for effects of monsoon activities on oxygen and hydrogen isotopes variation based on Hong Kong GNIP long-term data.Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry,2021, 328(3): 1055-1068.(通讯作者)

(25) Zhou Jing, Liu Guodong,Meng Yuchuan*, Xia ChengCheng and Chen Ke. Characteristics of δ18O and δ2H and their implication for the interaction between precipitation, groundwater and river water in the upper River Tuojiang, Southwest China.Water Practice and Technology,2021, 16 (1): 226–246.(通讯作者)

(26) Xia Chengcheng, Liu Guodong, Xia Hongye, Jiang Fangting,Meng Yuchuan. Influence of saline intrusion on the wetland ecosystem revealed by isotopic and hydrochemical indicators in the Yellow River Delta, China.Ecological Indicators,2021, 133:108422.

(27) Xia Chengcheng, Liu Guodong, Wang Zhengyong, Meng Yuchuan, Chen Ke,Song Hongwei,Mei Jie. Distribution of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes and pollution indicators in water during a monsoon transitional period in Min River Basin.Science of the Total Environment,2021, 782:146780.

(28)Meng Yuchuan,Kelly Frank J. and Wright Stephanie L*. Advances and challenges of microplastic pollution in freshwater ecosystems: A UK perspective.Environmental Pollution,2020, 256: 113445.(第一作者,中科院二区)

(29) Xia Chengcheng, Liu Guodong, Zhou Jing,Meng Yuchuan, Chen Ke, Gu Pengfei, Yang Mengxi, Huang Xiaohua, Mei Jie. Revealing the impact of water conservancy projects and urbanization on hydrological cycle based on the distribution of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in water.Environmental science and pollution research international,2020, 28(30):40160-40177.

(30) Xia Chengcheng, Liu Guodong,Meng Yuchuan, Wang Zhengyong, Zhang Xiaoxue. Impact of human activities on urban river system and its implication for water-environment risks: an isotope-based investigation in Chengdu, China.Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal,2020, 27(5):1416-1439.

(31) Chen Ke,Meng Yuchuan, Liu Guodong, Xia Chengcheng, Zhou Jing, Li Hongxia. Identifying hydrological conditions of the Pihe River catchment in the Chengdu Plain based on spatio-temporal distribution of2H and18O.Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry,2020, 324(3): 1125-1140. DOI: 10.1007/s10967-020-07163-z.

(32)谢姝,孟玉川*,刘国东,李璐汐.大渡河丰水期水体氢氧同位素特征及其影响因素.人民长江,2022, 53(03): 55-60.(通讯作者)

(33)蒋芳婷,孟玉川*,宋泓苇,李璐汐,淮河下游地区地表水与地下水同位素特征分析.水文2022,42(01): 90-96.(通讯作者)

(34)宋泓苇,孟玉川*,蒋芳婷,李璐汐,李雨芊,杜成鸿.雅鲁藏布江中游地区地表水、地下水同位素特征及其指示作用.干旱区资源与环境,2021, 35(7): 122-128.(通讯作者)

(35)李雨芊,孟玉川*,宋泓苇,杜成鸿,向淇云.典型林区水分氢氧稳定同位素在土壤-植物-大气连续体中的分布特征.应用生态学报,2021, 32(6): 1928-1934.(通讯作者)

(36)李璐汐,孟玉川*,谢姝,蒋芳婷,宋泓苇.基于不同评价方法的猴子岩水电站水质研究.环境科学与技术,2021, 44(S2): 299-307.(通讯作者)







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