


王文全,男,四川南充人,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事多场多尺度耦合理论及其工程应用方面的研究。是霍英东青年基金获得者,四川省峨眉计划创新领军人才、云南省中青年学术与技术带头人、云南省高端人才产业技术领军人才。已出版学术专著2部,发表论文142篇,SCI收录67篇,授权发明专利12项。获云南省自然科学一等奖2项(分别排名1、5)、二等奖2项(分别排名1、2)。主持/参与完成国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、云南省重大科技专项等纵向科技计划项目22项以及其它企业委托横向项目多项。同时兼任Int J Comput Meth等7个杂志编委,江苏大学国家水泵及系统工程技术研究中心等三个国家级研究平台的技术委员会委员,西藏水力发电工程学会金结机电专委会委员,国际计算方法学术会议(ICCM)、全国水力机械及其系统学术会议以及全国流动安全与控制学术会议学术委员会委员。





2008.07–2010.07,昆明理工大学,建筑工程IM电竞 ,助教

2010.08–2012.07,昆明理工大学,建筑工程IM电竞 ,副教授(破格),硕导

2012.08–2020.08,昆明理工大学,建筑工程IM电竞 ,教授(破格),博导

2020.09–至今,四川大学,IM电竞 ,教授,博导








2.国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目, 52179087, 大型混流式水轮机转轮流固耦合裂纹萌生扩展机理及防护措施研究, 2022/01至2025/12,在研,主持。

3.四川大学中青年科技领军人才培育项目, 2021/06至2025/05, 在研,主持。





















1、Xiu Wang, Yan Yan, Wen-Quan Wang*, Zhou-Ping Hu, Evaluating energy loss with the entropy production theory: A case study of a micro horizontal axis river ducted turbine, Energy Conversion and Management, 2023, 276:116553.(中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 11.533)

2、Yan Yan#, Jia-Xuan Li#, Wen-Quan Wang*, Time-delay feedback control of an axially moving nanoscale beam with time-dependent velocity, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2023,166: 112949.(中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 9.922)

3、Chunxia Liu*, Yan Yan*, Wenquan Wang, Daohang Wang, Optimal time delayed control of the combination resonances of viscoelastic graphene sheets under dual-frequency excitation, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2022,165: 112856. (中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 9.922)

4、Wen-Quan Wang#, Jinling Wang#, Guanzhe Cui, Junxian Pei, Yan Yan*, A numerical study on elliptical particle deposition with an immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method, Computers and Fluids, 2022, 246: 105644. (中科院JCRⅡ区, IF: 3.077)

5、Xu Lihui*, Guo Tao*, Wang Wenquan, Effects of Vortex Structure on Hydraulic Loss in a Low Head Francis Turbine under Overall Operating Conditions Base on Entropy Production Method, Renewable Energy, 2022, 198: 367–379. (中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 8.634)

6、Xiu Wang , Yan Yan , Wen-Quan Wang*, Transient aerodynamic performance of bidirectional impulse turbine in reciprocating airflows for hydrokinetic energy conversion systems, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 259: 111945. (中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.372)

7、Zhi-Feng Yu, Wen-Quan Wang*, Yan Yan, Hai-Yang Wang, Wen-Lu Wu, Evaluating energy-efficiency improvement of variable-speed operation with the help of entropy: A case study of low-head Francis turbine, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2022, 53: 102468. (中科院JCRⅡ区, IF: 7.632)

8、Xiu Wang, Zhou-Ping Hu, Yan Yan, Junxian Pei, Wen-Quan Wang*, Acoustic characteristics of a horizontal axis micro hydrokinetic turbine, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 259: 111854. (中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.372, 川大C类)

9、Jia-Xuan Li , Yan Yan*, Wen-Quan Wang, Time-delay feedback control of a cantilever beam with concentrated mass based on the homotopy analysis method, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, 108: 629–645. (中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 5.336)

10、Jia-Ling Luo, Junxian Pei, Yan Yan , Wen-Quan Wang*, Numerical study of the flow around a hyperbolic cylinder at Reynolds number 3900, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 246: 110669. (中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.372)

11、Wen-Quan Wang#,*, Weizhong Li#, Yan Yan, Jianmin Zhang, Parametric study on the propulsion and energy harvesting performance of a pitching foil hanging under a wave glider, Renewable Energy 2022,184: 830-844. (中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 8.634)

12、Xin-Ran Li, Yun Ding, Wen-Quan Wang*, The hydrodynamic performance analysis of a submarine with new pump-jet propulsor, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 245: 110542. (中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.372)

13、Zhi-Feng Yu, Yan Yan, Wen-Quan Wang*, Xing-Shun Liu, Entropy production analysis for vortex rope of a Francis turbine using hybrid RANS/LES method, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 127: 105494. (中科院JCRⅡ区, IF: 5.683)

14、Yan Yan, Jia-Xuan Li, Xiao-Fei Ma,Wen-Quan Wang*, Application and dynamical behavior of CNTs as fluidic nanosensors based on the nonlocal strain gradient theory, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2021, 330:112836.(中科院JCRⅢ区, IF: 3.407)

15、Xiu Wang, Yan Yan, Wen-Quan Wang*, Effects of blade parameters on the hydrodynamic performance of an impulse turbine of oscillation water column wave energy, Ocean Engineering, 2021, 224:108760.(中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 3.795)

16、Wen-Quan Wang#,*, Zhi-Feng Yu#, Yao Gao#, Jia-Ling Luo, Wen-Zhe Cao, Study on the hydrodynamic characteristics of a marine riser under periodic pulsation disturbance, Ocean Engineering, 2021, 223:108696.(中科院JCRⅠ区论文, TOP期刊, IF: 3.795)

17、Zhi-Feng Yu, Wen-Quan Wang*, Yan Yan, Xing-Shun Liu, Energy loss evaluation in a Francis turbine under overall operating conditions using entropy production method, Renewable Energy, 2021, 169: 982-999.(中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 8.001)

18、Chunxia Liu, Yan Yan*, Wen-Quan Wang*, Optimal delayed control of primary and second resonances of an electrostatic driving double-sided micro-actuator, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2021, 142: 110499. (中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 5.944)

19、Weizhong Li, Wen-Quan Wang*, Yan Yan, The effects of outline of the symmetrical flapping hydrofoil on energy harvesting performance, Renewable Energy, 2020, 162: 624–638. (中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 8.001)

20、Weizhong Li, Wen-Quan Wang*, Yan Yan, Zhi-Feng Yu, A strong-coupled method combined finite element method and lattice Boltzmann method via an implicit immersed boundary scheme for fluid structure interaction, Ocean Engineering, 2020, 214: 107779. (中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 3.795)

21、Chunxia Liu, Yan Yan, Wen-Quan Wang*, Application of nonlocal continuum theory to the primary resonance analysis of an axially loaded nano beam under time delay control, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 85: 124–140.(中科院JCRJCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 5.129)

22、Ke Song, Wen-Quan Wang*, Yan Yan, The hydrodynamic performance of a tidal-stream turbine in shear flow, Ocean Engineering, 2020, 199: 107035.(中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 3.795)

23、Chun-Xia Liu, Yan Yan, Wen-Quan Wang*, Resonance and chaos of micro and nano electro mechanical resonators with time delay feedback, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 79: 469–489.(中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 5.129)

24、Chun-Xia Liu, Yan Yan*, Wen-Quan Wang*, Resonances and chaos of electrostatically actuated arch micro/nanoresonators with time delay velocity feedback, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2020, 131: 109512. (中科院JCR1区, TOP期刊, IF: 5.944)

25、Ke Song, Wen-Quan Wang*, Yan Yan, Experimental and numerical analysis of a multilayer composite ocean current turbine blade, Ocean Engineering, 2020, 198: 106977. (中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 3.795)

26、Wen-Quan Wang, Weizhong Li, Yan Yan*, Xi-Jie Yang*, Effects of non-sinusoidal pitching motion on energy input performance of a micro linear turbine cascade, Ocean Engineering, 2020, 197: 106913. (中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 3.795)

27、Wen-Quan Wang, Ke Song, Yan Yan*, Influence of interaction between the diffuser and rotor on energy harvesting performance of a micro-diffuser-augmented hydrokinetic turbine, Ocean Engineering, 2019, 189: 106293.(中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 3.068)

28、Chun-Xia Liu, Yan Yan*, Wen-Quan Wang*, Primary and secondary resonance analyses of a cantilever beam carrying an intermediate lumped mass with time-delay feedback, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 97(2):1175–1195.(中科院JCR 1区, TOP期刊, IF: 4.867)

29、Yan Yan, Wen-Quan Wang*, G.R. Liu, Analysis of nonlinear vibration and instability of electrostatically actuated fluid-conveying micro beams, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2019, 29(7): 1950088.(IF: 2.145)(中科院JCRⅡ区)

30、Wen-Quan Wang*, Rui Yin, Yan Yan*, Design and prediction hydrodynamic performance of horizontal axis micro-hydrokinetic river turbine, Renewable Energy, 2019, 133: 91–102.(中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 6.274)

31、Ke Song, Wen-Quan Wang*, Yan Yan, Numerical and experimental analysis of a diffuser-augmented micro-hydro turbine, Ocean Engineering, 2019, 171: 590–602.(中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊, IF: 3.068)

32、Wen-Quan Wang*, Yan Yan, G.R. Liu, An IB-LBM implementation for fluid-solid interactions with an MLS approximation for implicit coupling, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 62: 638–653.(中科院JCRⅠ区, TOP期刊,IF: 2.841)

33、Weizhong Li, Wen-Quan Wang*, Yan Yan, Fang-Bao Tian, Effects of pitching motion profile on energy harvesting performance of a semi-active flapping foil using immersed boundary method, Ocean Engineering, 2018, 163: 94–106.(中科院JCRⅡ区, IF: 2.740)

34、Wenquan Wang*, Yan Yan, Fang-Bao Tian, Numerical study on hydrodynamics for a non-sinusoidal forced oscillating hydrofoil based on an immersed boundary method, Ocean Engineering, 2018, 147: 606-620.(中科院JCRⅡ区, IF: 2.740)


1、王文全, 喻智锋,洪金玲,陈云良,张昌兵,徐永,党晓强,闫妍, 一种混流式水轮机变速运行的转速及流量寻优方法和系统, 2022.11.25, ZL202111060312.8.

2、王文全, 王秀, 虎周平, 闫妍, 一种新型水平轴潮流能水轮机及使用方法, 2022.7.29, ZL202110917707.9.

3、王文全,骆佳玲, 陈云良, 闫妍, 一种风光发电互补系统, 2022.6.21, ZL202010944480.2.

4、王文全,王秀, 闫妍, 波浪能和风能联合发电装置及船,2020.8.13, ZL202010809949.1.

5、王文全, 张立翔, 曾云, 闫妍, 一种水轮机导叶主动旋转输入功率的数值计算方法, 2019.11.8, ZL201610573322.4.

6、王文全, 闫妍, 一种基于固定网格技术的流固耦合计算方法, 2019.1.4, ZL201510217427.1.

7、王文全, 闫妍, 一种基于流固界面一致条件的浸入边界流场计算方法, 2017.8.25, ZL201410148564.X.

8、王文全, 闫妍, 一种新的投影浸入边界法的速度校正方法, 2017.8.25, ZL201510236607.4.











所在院(所、中心):IM电竞-IM电竞平台 能源与动力工程系


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