


孙立成,男,汉族,1973年6月生,黑龙江北安市,教授/博士生导师。中国工程热物理学会多相流专委会委员。2005年毕业于哈尔滨工程大学,获博士学位;2006-2008年在日本京都大学从事博士后研究工作,2014年从哈尔滨工程大学调入四川大学水电IM电竞 。自1999年以来,一直从事能源、化工以及电站动力系统中有关气液两相流、强化传热方面的应用基础科研及教学工作。目前研究工作主要集中在气液两相流流动及沸腾传热、微纳米气泡特性及制备、电子芯片热管理、强化换热及交叉领域。主持和参与科研项目30余项,包括国防973项目、国家自然科学基金、国防基础、国防预研、核能开发等国家及省部级项目,其中主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,国防973项目子课题1项;发表论文近200篇(SCI检索40余篇、EI检索80余篇);获得授权发明专利18项;出版英文专业教材1部;获得国防科技进步奖3次;指导硕士及博士研究生30余人;多次获得院校两级教学优秀奖。







An introduction to two-phase flow and boiling heat transfer, 北京:XX工业出版社, 2014


1) 摇摆条件下两相流界面参数分布特性实验装置,发明专利, 授权号: CN102589841B

2) 微细化沸腾传热实验装置的加热器,发明专利, 授权号ZL201110304360.7

3) 强内热源多孔介质通道强迫对流换热实验装置, 授权号: ZL201010559055.8

4) 利用汽泡微细化沸腾加强流体混合的微小型混合装置, 授权号:CN103566807B

5) 一种用于熔盐堆的非能动余热排出系统,授权号:CN201310286718.7


1) Conceptual design and experimental investigation involving a modular desalination system composed of arrayed tubular solar stills, Applied Energy, 2016.

2) A visualized study of micro-bubble emission boiling International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014.

3) A visualized study of the motion of individual bubbles in a venturi-type bubble generator, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2017

4) Characteristics and mechanism of bubble breakup in a bubble generator developed for a small TMSR, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2017

5) Improvement of flow distribution and heat transfer performance of a self-similarity heat sink with a modification to its structure, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017

6) Investigation on Formation Characteristics of Aerosol Particles during Wet Ammonia Desulfurization Process, Energy & Fuels, 2017

7) An experimental study on Microbubble Emission Boiling in a subcooled pool: Heat transfer characteristics and visualized presentation, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2017

8) Effect of a noncondensable gas on the microbubble emission boiling, Heat Transfer Research, 2016

9) Enhanced vapor bubble condensation and collapse with ultrasonic vibration, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2016

10) Feature of acoustic sound signals involved in vapor bubble condensation and its application in identification of condensation regimes, Chemical Engineering Science, 2015

11) A study visualizing the collapse of vapor bubbles in a subcooled pool, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015

12) Design of a natural draft air-cooled condenser and its heat transfer characteristics in the passive residual heat removal system for 10 MW molten salt reactor experiment, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015

13) Slug flow in a vertical narrow rectangular channel e Laminar and turbulent regimes in the main flow and turbulent regime in the wake region of the Taylor bubble, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2015

14) Effects of noncondensable gas and ultrasonic vibration on vapor bubble condensing and collapsing, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2015

15) Evaluation of interfacial area transport equation in vertical bubbly two-phase flow in large diameter pipes, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2015

16) Model of bubble velocity vector measurement in upward and downward bubbly two-phase flows using a four-sensor optical probe, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2015

17) Effects of rolling on resistance characteristics of single-phase flow in a 3×3 rod Flow fluctuation behaviors of single-phase forced circulation under rolling conditions, Ocean Engineering, 2014

18) Air–water two-phase flow in a rolling 3×3 rod bundle under stagnant condition, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science ,2014

19) Characteristics of slug flow in a narrow rectangular channel under inclined conditions, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2014

20)Evaluation analysis of correlations for predicting the void fraction and slug velocity of slug flow in an inclined narrow rectangular duct, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2014

21) Hydrodynamics of slug flow in a vertical narrow rectangular channel under laminar flow condition, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2014

22) Research on frictional resistance of bubbly flow in rolling rectangular ducts, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2014

23) Comparison of local interfacial characteristics between vertical upward and downward two-phase flows using a four-sensor optical probe, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2014

24) Experimental and theoretical analysis of bubble rising velocity in a 3×3rolling rod bundle under stagnant condition, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2014

25) Experimental study and numerical optimization on a vane-type separator for bubble separation in TMSR, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2014

26) Local interfacial parameter distribution for two-phase flow under rolling conditions using a four-sensor optical probe, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2014

27) Characteristics of slug flow in a vertical narrow rectangular channel, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2014

28) Investigation of the interfacial parameter distribution in a bubbly flow in a narrow rectangular channel under inclined and rolling conditions, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2014,Vol.73, pp.64-74.

29) 21. Effect of rolling motion on transient flow resistance of two-phase flow in a narrow rectangular duct, Annals of nuclear energy, 2014

30) Slug behavior and pressure drop of adiabatic slug flow in a narrow rectangular duct under inclined conditions, Annals of nuclear energy,2014

31) Conceptual design and analysis of a passive residual heat removal system for a 10 MW molten salt reactor experiment, Progress in nuclear energy, 2014

32)Void fraction of dispersed bubbly flow in a narrow rectangular channel under rolling conditions, Progress in nuclear energy, 2014

33) Effects of void fraction correlations on pressure gradient separation of air-water two-phase flow in vertical mini rectangular ducts, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2014

34)Effect of rolling motion on single-phase laminar flow resistance of forced circulation with different pump head, Annals of nuclear energy, 2013

35) Microbubble emission boiling in scbcooled pool boiling and the role of Marangoni convection in its formation, Experimental thermal and fluid science,2013

36) Frictional resistance of adiabatic two-phase flow in narrow rectangular duct under rolling conditions, Annals of nuclear energy, 2013

37) Experimental study of interfacial parameter distributions in upward bubbly flow under vertical and inclined conditions, Experimental thermal and fluid science, 2013

38) A theoretical analysis about the effect of aspect ratio on single-phase laminar flow in rectangular ducts, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2013

39) An experimental study of bubble sliding characteristics in narrow channel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2013

40) Effects of rolling on characteristics of single-phase water flow in narrow rectangular ducts, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2012

41) Pool boiling heat transfer enhancement on porous surface. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2011

42) Evaluation analysis of prediction methods for two-phase flow pressure drop in mini-channels, International journal of multiphase flow,2009

43) An evaluation of prediction methods for saturated flow boiling heat transfer in mini-channels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2009


1.先进微球床热工水力特性,国家工业与信息化部,XX科学技术进步奖, 三等奖, 2012, 排名2;

2.新型非能动余热排出系统关键技术, 国家工业与信息化部, XX科学技术进步奖, 三等奖, 2013, 排名4.

3.强化传热技术研究, 三等奖, 2007, 排名4





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