



姜守政,博士,山东菏泽人,副研究员,硕士生导师。2013-2021年就读于IM电竞-IM电竞平台 (3+2+3本硕博连读),主要从事水碳循环与耦合模拟、水资源优化配置、农田节水灌溉技术研究。发表研究论文60余篇,其中SCI论文50余篇,被引千余次;以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文15篇(中科院一区12篇);参编四川省地方标准5部,授权发明专利2项。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、四川省重点研发等纵向项目6项。担任中国农业工程学会农业水土工程专业委员会委员,担任《Reviews of Geophysics》、《Journal of Hydrology》、《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》等水文气象领域权威期刊审稿人,获四川大学科技基础研究一等奖、章梓雄流体力学奖学金、清华大学张光斗奖学金、四川省优秀毕业生、国家奖学金等奖励。邮箱:​[email protected][email protected]


1. Ningbo Cui, Shunsheng Zheng, Shouzheng Jiang*, Mingjun Wang, Lu Zhao, Ziling He, Yu Feng, et al. 2024."Evapotranspiration partitioning based on underlying conductance in a complex tree-grass orchard ecosystem in the humid area of southern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 344. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109796.(通讯作者,中科院1区)

2. Shouzheng Jiang, Jie Wu, Zhihui Wang, Ziling He, Mingjun Wang, Weiwei Yao, and Yu Feng*. 2023."Spatiotemporal variations of cropland carbon sequestration and water loss across China. " Agricultural Water Management 287. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2023.108427.(第一作者,中科院1区)

3. Ningbo Cui, Ziling He, Shouzheng Jiang*, Mingjun Wang, Xiuyun Yu, Lu Zhao, Rangjian Qiu, Daozhi Gong, Yaosheng Wang, and Yu Feng. 2023."Inter-comparison of the Penman-Monteith type model in modeling the evapotranspiration and its components in an orchard plantation of Southwest China." Agricultural Water Management 289. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2023.108541.(通讯作者,中科院1区)

4. Shouzheng Jiang, Yaowei Huang, Lu Zhao, Ningbo Cui*, Yaosheng Wang, Xiaotao Hu, Shunsheng Zheng, Qingyao Zou, Yu Feng, and Li Guo. 2022. "Effects of clouds and aerosols on ecosystem exchange, water and light use efficiency in a humid region orchard." Science of the Total Environment 811. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.152377.(第一作者,中科院1区)

5. Shouzheng Jiang, Lu Zhao, Chuan Liang, Xiaotao Hu, Yaosheng Wang, Daozhi Gong, Shunsheng Zheng, Yaowei Huang, QingYan He, and Ningbo Cui*. 2022."Leaf- and ecosystem-scale water use efficiency and their controlling factors of a kiwifruit orchard in the humid region of Southwest China." Agricultural Water Management 260. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2021.107329.(第一作者,中科院1区)

6. Shouzheng Jiang, Chuan Liang, Lu Zhao, Daozhi Gong, Yaowei Huang, Liwen Xing, Shidan Zhu, Yu Feng, Li Guo, and Ningbo Cui*. 2022."Energy and evapotranspiration partitioning over a humid region orchard: Field measurements and partitioning model comparisons." Journal of Hydrology 610. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127890.(第一作者,中科院1区)

7. Shouzheng Jiang, Dahua Tang, Lu Zhao, Chuan Liang, Ningbo Cui*, Daozhi Gong*, Yaosheng Wang, Yu Feng, Xiaotao Hu, and Yong Peng. 2022."Effects of different photovoltaic shading levels on kiwifruit growth, yield and water productivity under “agrivoltaic” system in Southwest China." Agricultural Water Management 269. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107675.(第一作者,中科院1区)

8. Shouzheng Jiang, Lu Zhao, Chuan Liang, Ningbo Cui*, Daozhi Gong, Yaosheng Wang, Yu Feng, Xiaotao Hu, and Qingyao Zou. 2021."Comparison of satellite-based models for estimating gross primary productivity in agroecosystems." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 297. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108253.(第一作者,中科院1区)

9. Shouzheng Jiang, Chuan Liang, Ningbo Cui*, Lu Zhao, Chunwei Liu, Yu Feng, Xiaotao Hu, Daozhi Gong, and Qingyao Zou. 2020."Water use efficiency and its drivers in four typical agroecosystems based on flux tower measurements." Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 295. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108200.(第一作者,中科院1区)

10. Shouzheng Jiang, Chuan Liang, Ningbo Cui*, Lu Zhao, Taisheng Du, Xiaotao Hu, Yu Feng, Jing Guan, and Yi Feng. 2019."Impacts of climatic variables on reference evapotranspiration during growing season in Southwest China." Agricultural Water Management 216:365-78. doi://第一作者,中科院1区)


1. 一种可改良土壤盐碱化的节水灌溉系统[P]. CN206909328U,2018-01-23.

2. 一种适用于地下高水位的排水蓄水一体化智能管理控制系统[P]. CN207269516U,2018-04-27.

3. 一种基于半导体制冷管的简易大棚作物蒸散凝结灌溉系统[P]. CN207269477U,2018-04-27.

4. 自缓压管头的移动式喷灌设备[P]. CN107535308A, 2018-01-05.






