



​ 范碧航,女,1987年出生,吉林省长春人。自然灾害学博士,特聘副研究员 Email:[email protected]; [email protected]



Email:[email protected]; [email protected]


20152020宾夕法尼亚州立大学,博士后(合作导师:Henry Lin 教授)

20102015北京师范大学减灾与应急管理研究院,理学博士(导师:李宁 教授)

至年:20062010东北师范大学地理科学IM电竞 理学学士


至2020年10月, 发表第一或通讯作者SCI论文10篇, 1篇为川大B级刊物, 6篇为川大C级刊物, 包括一区刊物4篇, 二区刊物3篇, 篇均影响因子3.888; 共发表SCI论文22篇, 包括四川大学B级刊物3篇, C级刊物12篇, 中科院分区TOP级刊物14篇; 此外, 发表第一作者EI论文2篇, ISTP论文1篇, 中文核心期刊论文1篇; 合著EI论文1篇、中文核心期刊论文5篇; 全部论文Google Scholar总引用超过380次.先后获得国家奖学金、北京师范大学优秀研究生、北京师范大学“京师安泰优秀研究生奖” 、东北师范大学“校长奖学金”、东北师范大学“东师奖章”等荣誉。


Fan BAgricultural and,2., Liu X, Zhu Q, et al. (2020). Exploring the interplay between infiltration dynamics and Critical Zone structures by multiscale geophysical imaging: A review.ode, 374:1-16. (IF=4.848;一区)F#, et al. (2020). Investigating the proper application rate of nitrogen under mulched drip irrigation to improve the yield and quality of tomato in saline soil., 293:2-15 (IF=2.603;三区)

F#, et al. (2019). Dynamic analysis of the coupling coordination relationship between urbanization and water resource security and its obstacle factor., 16:1-16. (IF=2.849;三区)

Fan BAgricultu, 213:477-485. (IF=4.021;川大C级; 一区)

Fan BE, 70:20-24. (IF=3.742;川大C级; 二区)

Fan BSoil & Tillage Research8. Guo L,#, Zhang J, et al. (2018). Occurrence of subsurface lateral flow in the Shale Hills Catchment indicated by a soil water mass balance method., 69:771-786. (IF=3.742;川大C级; 二区)

Fan BJournal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres10., Guo L, Li N, et al. (2014). Earlier vegetation green-up has reduced spring dust storms., 4. (IF=3.998; 川大C级;三区)

Fan BProceedings of 4th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis, Li N (2012). Copula in temporal data mining: The joint return period of extreme temperature in Beijing., p 592-597. (EI)

Fan BProceedings of 1st International Conference on Economic, Education and Management14.李宁, 张继权(2011). 城市高温灾害性天气影响分析与危害评估-以长春市为例., 26:93-97. (中文核心)