


刘恩龙(博士,教授,博士生导师),男,1976年生,河南商丘人。2006年1月获得清华大学土木工程专业博士学位,师从中科院院士沈珠江先生。主要从事岩土材料本构关系与数值模拟、冻土力学与热-水-力耦合分析、土动力学与高土石坝工程、颗粒物质的微观力学等方面的教学和研究工作。主持国家级等项目多项,在International Journal of Plasticity、Mechanics of Materials、Acta Geotechnica、Canadian Geotechnical Journal、International Journal of Rock Mechanics &Mining Science、Engineering Geology、岩土工程学报、岩土力学、岩石力学与工程学报等期刊和会议上发表论文200余篇(其中第1/通讯作者的SCI论文100余篇),授权专利10件,合著专著/教材6部;以第一完成人获得省科技进步奖二等奖和省自然科学奖三等奖各一项。曾工作于新加坡国立大学、墨尔本大学,访问于昆士兰大学、诺丁汉大学、法国ENTPE。中科院百人计划入选者(2015年),兼任中国土木工程学会土力学与岩土工程分会理事等、国际期刊《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》和国内期刊《岩土力学》编委等。


刘恩龙(博士,教授,博士生导师),男,1976年生,河南商丘人。2006年1月获得清华大学土木工程专业博士学位,师从中科院院士沈珠江先生。主要从事岩土材料本构关系与数值模拟、冻土力学与热-水-力耦合分析、土动力学与高土石坝工程、颗粒物质的微观力学等方面的教学和研究工作。主持国家级等项目多项,在International Journal of Plasticity、Mechanics of Materials、Acta Geotechnica、Canadian Geotechnical Journal、International Journal of Rock Mechanics &Mining Science、Engineering Geology、岩土工程学报、岩土力学、岩石力学与工程学报等期刊和会议上发表论文200余篇(其中第1/通讯作者的SCI论文100余篇),授权专利10件,合著专著/教材6部;以第一完成人获得省科技进步奖二等奖和省自然科学奖三等奖各一项。曾工作于新加坡国立大学、墨尔本大学,访问于昆士兰大学、诺丁汉大学、法国ENTPE。中科院百人计划入选者(2015年),兼任中国土木工程学会土力学与岩土工程分会理事等、国际期刊《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》和国内期刊《岩土力学》编委等。


1995年9月-2002年7月 西安建筑科技大学 建筑工程以及岩土工程专业 本科、硕士;

2002年9月-2006年1月 清华大学 土木工程(岩土工程)专业 博士;

2008年9月-今 四川大学 副教授(2008.09),教授(2013.07),博士生导师(2012.03);

2007年5月-2008年3月The University of Queensland, Visiting Scholar;

2008年3月-2009年3月National University of Singapore, Research Fellow;

2009年8月-2011年7月 中科院成都山地所 自然地理学 博士后;

2011年10月-2011年12月The University of Nottingham, Visiting Scholar;

2012年11月-2013年4月The University of Melbourne, Research Fellow;

2015年1月-2019年6月 中科院西北生态环境资源研究院 研究员;































刘恩龙,陈铁林.《岩土破损力学-二元介质本构模型》.科学出版社, 2024.

刘恩龙,刘星炎,张革.《高寒地区冻结掺合土料的力学特性与本构模型》.中国水利水电出版社, 2021.

Hai-Sui Yu(英),著,周国庆,刘恩龙,商翔宇,译.《岩土塑性理论》.科学出版社, 2018.

廖红建,李荣建,刘恩龙.《土力学》(第3版).高等教育出版社, 2018.

刘恩龙,郅彬,曹鹏,等.《颗粒流算例分析》.四川大学出版社, 2017.

屈智炯,刘恩龙.《土的塑性力学》.科学出版社, 2011.

发表文章:在International Journal of Plasticity、Mechanics of Materials、Acta Geotechnica、Canadian Geotechnical Journal、International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Science、Engineering Geology、岩土工程学报、岩土力学、岩石力学与工程学报等期刊和会议上发表论文200余篇(其中第1/通讯作者的SCI论文100余篇)。



1.Yifeng Huang, Lianjun Yang, Enlong Liu. Analysis of the Ice/Quartz Interface under Compression and Shearing Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2025.Published online. // (SCI)

2.Dan Wang, Enlong Liu, Qihao Yu, et al. Investigations on mechanical responses of frozen soil–rock mixture under cyclic loading: experiments and binary-medium-based multiscale constitutive model.Acta Geotechnica (2025) 20:231–263.(SCI)

3.Yanbin Chen, Yuanming Lai and Enlong Liu. Hop-to-Hug algorithm: Novel strategy to stable cutting-plane algorithm based on convexification of yield functions. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, // 2025.Published online. (SCI)

4.Zinyin Cai, Enlong Liu, Di Yu, et al.A binary-medium-based constitutive model for rocks under cyclic loading. Computers and Geotechnics 174 (2024) 106577. (SCI)

5.Pan Wang, Enlong Liu, Bin Zhi, et al. A macro-meso nonlinear strength criterion for frozen soil.Acta Geotechnica (2024) 19:4911–4928.(SCI)

6.Qiong Li, Enlong Liu, Baocun Yang, et al.A poromechanics-based macro-mesoscopic constitutive model for warm frozen soil. Cold Regions Science and Technology 221 (2024) 104156 (SCI)

7.Jianqiu Tian, Enlong Liu, Yuancheng Guo. A thermodynamics-based three-scale constitutive model for partially saturated granular materials. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 16 (2024) 1813e1831. (SCI)

8.Haotian Wei, EnlongLiu, Chuan He, et al. Effects of increasing rainfall on organic carbon release and transport processes in permafrost on the central Tibetan Plateau. Catena 247 (2024) 108553. (SCI)

9.Haotian Wei,Enlong Liu, Xueli Wei, et al. Thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) analysis of rock-ice avalanches: Considering the effects of particle breakage in the sliding zone. Cold Regions Science and Technology 219 (2024) 104123. (SCI)

10.Chong Zhang, Enlong Liu, Xueli Wei, et al. Experimental study and numerical modeling of the thermo-hydro-mechanical process in unsaturated soil under freeze-thaw cycles. Cold Regions Science and Technology 218 (2024) 104063. (SCI)

11.Xia Ye, Enlong Liu, Baofeng Di, et al. Effects of freeze–thaw actions on mechanical properties and constitutive model for diesel-contaminated soil, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2024, 28:3, 493-517. (SCI)

12.Dan Wang, Enlong Liu, Chensong Yang, et al. Micromechanics-based binary-medium constitutive model for frozen soil considering the influence of coarse-grained contents and freeze thaw cycles. Acta Geotechnica (2023) 18:3977–3996 (SCI).

13.Pan Wang, Enlong Liu, Bin Zhi, et al. A rate-dependent constitutive model for saturated frozen soil considering local breakage mechanism. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2023,15:2458-2474. (SCI)

14.Jianqiu Tian, Yuanming Lai, Enlong Liu, et al. A thermodynamics-based micro-macro elastoplastic micropolar continuum model for granular materials.Computers and Geotechnics.2023, 162:105653.(SCI)

15.Xiao Yin, Yuanming Lai, Enlong liu. Microstructure-based effective stress for unsaturated frozen soils. Int J Numer Anal Methods Geomech. 2023;47:261–274.(SCI)

16.Yanbin, Chen, Enlong Liu, Yanyang Yu, et al. A binary-medium-based constitutive model for porous rocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 2023, 164: 105345.(SCI)

17.Di Yu, Enlong Liu, Bo Xiang, et al. A micro–macro constitutive model for rock considering breakage effects. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,2023,33:173–184.(SCI)

18.Xiaoqiong Jiang, Enlong Liu. Evolution of the force chain structure of partially saturated granular material under triaxial compression conditions. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023, 157: 105335.(SCI)

19.Chuan He, Enlong Liu, Siming He, et al. On the supraglacial rock avalanches: Thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis considering ice-water phase transition. Geomorphology, 2023,422: 108550. (SCI)

20.Youneng Liu, Enlong Liu, Xin Li, et al.Binary-medium constitutive model for freeze-thaw tailings subjected to cyclic triaxial loading.Cold Regions Science and Technology 2023,213:103927. (SCI)

21.Ling Chen, Honggang Zhang, Enlong Liu, et al. Meso-macro constitutive model for frozen salinized sandy soil. Cold Regions Science and Technology,2023,210:103849. (SCI)

22.Jiang Kang, Enlong Liu, Bingtang Song, et al. Study on mechanical properties and constitutive model for polycrystalline ice samples. Environmental Earth Sciences (2023) 82:585. (SCI)

23.Pan Wang, Enlong Liu, Bin Zhi, et al. Creep characteristics and unified macro–meso creep model for saturated frozen soil under constant/variable temperature conditions. Acta Geotechnica, 2022, 17:5299–5319. (SCI)

24.Jianqiu Tian, Yuanming Lai, Enlong Liu, et al.. A micromechanics-based elasto-plastic model for granular media combined with Cosserat continuum theory. Acta Geotechnica, 2022,17:2259–2285.(SCI)

25.Yi Sun, Enlong Liu, Bin Zhi. Evolution of mesostructure and mechanical characteristics of cemented granular soils under undrained cyclic loads. Granular Matter, 2022, 24:33. (SCI)

26.Fulong Ma, Enlong Liu, et al. A poromechanics-based constitutive model for warm frozen soil. Cold Regions and Science Technology, 2022, 199:103555. (SCI)

27.Wei Xiao, Enlong Liu, et al. Numerical simulation of coupled liquid water, stress and heat for frozen soil in the thawing process. Engineering Computations, 2022, 39: 1492-1510. (SCI)

28.Ziyin Cai, Enlong Liu, Ningsheng Chen, et al. Numerical analysis of the initiation and sliding process of the Yigong landslide using a continuous–discontinuous method. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2022, 81:150.(SCI)

29.Pan Wang, Enlong Liu, Bin Zhi. An elastic-plastic model for frozen soil from micro to macro scale.Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, 91: 125-148. (SCI).

30.Ran Xu, Enlong Liu, Huilin Xing. Analysis on mechanical properties and evolution of mesostructure of soil–rock mixture samples from contact network perspective. Comptes Rendus Mécanique. 2021, 349: 83-102. (SCI).

31.Chuan He, Enlong Liu, Siming He, et al. A thermo-poro-mechanical model for catastrophic landslides under unsaturated conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 601:126810.(SCI).

32.Xingyan Liu, Enlong Liu, Qihao Yu. A new double hardening constitutive model for frozen mixed soils.European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2021, 25:11, 2002-2022. (SCI).

33.Youneng Liu, Runqiu Huang, Enlong Liu, et al. Mechanical behaviour and constitutive model of tailing soils subjected to freeze-thaw cycles.European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2021, 25(4): 673–695. (SCI).

34.Biangtang Song, Enlong Liu, et al. Creep characteristics and constitutive model for frozen mixed soils.J. Mt. Sci. , 2021, 18(7): 1966-1976.(SCI).

35.Dan Wang, Enlong Liu, De Zhang, et al. An elasto-plastic constitutive model for frozen soil subjected to cyclic loading.Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2021, 189: 103341.(SCI).

36.Ge Zhang, Enlong Liu, et al. Study thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling behaviors of saturated frozen soil based on granular solid hydrodynamics theory. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2021,91:3921–3936. (SCI).

37.Enlong Liu, Yuanming Lai. Thermo-poromechanics-based viscoplastic damage constitutive model for saturated frozen soil.International Journal of Plasticity, 2020, 128:102683.(SCI).

38.Pan Wang, Enlong Liu, Bin Zhi, et al. A macro-micro viscoelastic-plastic constitutive model for saturated frozen soil.Mechanics of Materials, 2020, 147: 103411.(SCI).

39.Di Yu, Enlong Liu, Ping Sun, et al. Mechanical properties and binary-medium constitutive model for semi-through jointed mudstone samples.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, 2020, 132: 104376.(SCI).

40.Ran Xu, Enlong liu, Xiaoqiong Jiang, et al. Analysis on evolution of mesostructure of cohesionless soil ground upon loading.Powder Technology, 2020, 368: 1-17.(SCI).

41.Youneng Liu, Enlong Liu, Zhenyu Yin. Constitutive model for tailing soils subjected to freeze-thaw cycles based on meso-mechanics and homogenization theory.Acta Geotechnica, 2020,15: 2433-2450.(SCI).

42.De Zhang, Enlong Liu, Ji Huang.Elastoplastic constitutive model for frozen sands based on framework of homogenization theory.Acta Geotechnica, 2020, 15: 1831-1845.(SCI).

43.Qingsong Zheng, Enlong Liu, et al. Dynamic and damage properties of artificial jointed rock samples subjected to cyclic triaxial loading at various frequencies.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2020, 128: 104243.(SCI).

44.Yi Sun, Enlong Liu, et al. Dynamic mechanical properties and mesostructure evolution of granular materials subjected to cyclic loading.Granular Matter, 2020, 22(3):70. (SCI).

45.Pan Wang, Enlong Liu, De Zhang, et al. An elastoplastic binary medium constitutive model for saturated frozen soils.Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2020, 174: 103055.(SCI).

46.H.-j. Yu, E.-l. Liu. Cyclic properties of artificially cemented gravel-silty clay mixed soils.Experimental Techniques, 2020, 44:573-589.(SCI).

47.X.Liu, E. Liu, B.Song, et al. New twin-shear unified strength criterion.Geotechnique Letters, 2020, 10: 231-241.(SCI).

48.Jianqiu Tian, Enlong Liu, Chuan He. Shear band analysis of granular materials considering effects of particle shape.Acta Mechanica, 2020, 231: 4445–4461.(SCI).

49.Hao-Jun Yu, En-Long Liu. The mechanical characteristics of artificially cemented gravel–silty clay mixed soils.Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering, 2020, 173(3):262-273.(SCI).

50.Youneng Liu, Enlong Liu. Study on cyclically dynamic behavior of tailing soil exposed to freeze-thaw cycles.Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2020, 171: 102984.(SCI).

51.De Zhang, Enlong Liu, Di Yu. A micromechanics-based elastoplastic constitutive model for frozen sands based on homogenization theory.International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2020, 29(5): 689-714.(SCI)

52.Qingsong Zheng, Enlong Liu, Di Yu. Fatigue and damage properties of non-consecutive jointed mudstone samples subjected to cyclic triaxial loading.Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2020, 29:687-714. (SCI)

53.Jianqiu Tian, Enlong Liu. Influences of particle shape on evolutions of force-chain and micro-macro parameters at critical state for granular materials.Power Technology, 2019, 354:906-921. (SCI).

54.Ge Zhang, Enlong Liu, Shijie Chen, et al. Micromechanical analysis of frozen silty clay-sand mixtures with different sand contents by triaxial compression testing combined with real-time CT scanning.Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2019, 168,102872. (SCI).

55.Ge Zhang, Enlong Liu, Shijie Chen, et al. Effects of uniaxial and triaxial compression tests on the frozen sandstone combining with CT scanning.International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 2019,19(5): 261-274.(SCI).

56.Pan Wang, Enlong Liu, Bingtang Song, Xingyan Liu, Ge Zhang, De Zhang. Binary medium creep constitutive model for frozen soils based on homogenization theory.Cold Regions Science and Technology,2019, 162, 35-42.(SCI).

57.De Zhang, Quanming Li,Enlong Liu, et al. Dynamic properties of frozen silty soils with different coarse-grained contents subjected to cyclic triaxial loading.Cold Regions Science and Technology,2019, 157, 64-85.(SCI).

58.G. Zhang, E. Liu, S. Chen, et al. Damage constitutive model based on energy dissipation for frozen sandstone under triaxial compression revealed by x-ray tomography.Experimental Techniques, 2019, 43: 545-560. (SCI).

59.Xiangyan Liu, Enlong Liu. Application of new twin-shear unified strength criterion to frozen soil.Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2019, 167: 102857. (SCI).

60.Xiangyan Liu,Enlong Liu, De Zhang, et al. Study on effect of coarse-grained content on the mechanical properties of frozen mixed soils.Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2019, 158: 237-251.(SCI).

61.Xiangyan Liu,Enlong Liu, De Zhang, et al. Study on strength criterion for frozen soil.Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2019, 161:1-20.(SCI).

62.Enlong Liu, Yuanming Lai, Henry Wong,et al. An elastoplastic model for saturated freezing soils based on thermo-poromechanics.International Journal of Plasticity, 2018, 107:246-285.(SCI).

63.Jianqiu Tian, Enlong Liu.Effect of particle shape on micro-and mesostructure evolution of granular assemblies under biaxial loading conditions.Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2018, 346:1233-1252.(SCI).

64.JianqiuTian, Enlong Liu, et al. Influence of particle shape on the microstructure evolution and the mechanical properties of granular materials.Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2018, 346: 460-476.(SCI).

65.Xiao Yin,Enlong Liu, Bingtang Song, et al. Numerical analysis of coupled liquid water, vapor, stress and heat transport in unsaturated freezing soil.Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2018, 155: 20-28.(SCI).

66.Xiaoqiong Jiang,Enlong Liu, Lian Jiang,et al.Evolution of meso-structures and mechanical properties of granular materials under triaxial compression state from complex network perspective.Granular Matter,2018, 20:54.(SCI;研究生第1作者,本人通讯作者).

67.Feng Hou, Yuanming Lai, Enlong Liu,et al. A creep constitutive model for frozen soils with different contents of coarse grains.Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2018, 145: 119-126.(SCI).

68.Enlong Liu, Shanyong Wang, Cheng Zhou,et al. Mechanical properties of artificial structured soils under conventional drained loading-unloading-reloading stress paths.International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018, 16: 383-393. (SCI).

69.Mingxin Liu, Enlong Liu. Dynamic mechanical properties of artificial jointed rock samples subjected to cyclic triaxial loading.International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Science, 2017, 98: 54-66. (SCI).

70.De Zhang, Enlong Liu, Xingyan Liu, et al. A new strength criterion for frozen soils considering the influence of temperature and coarse-grained contents.Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2017, 143: 1-12.(SCI).

71.Enlong Liu, Hai-Sui Yu, Cheng Zhou, et al. A binary-medium constitutive model for artificially structured soils based on the disturbed state concept (dsc) and homogenization theory.International Journal of Geomechanics, 2017. 04016154: 1-15. (SCI)

72.Enlong Liu, Yuanming Lai, Mengke Liao, et al. Fatigue and damage properties of frozen silty sand samples subjected to cyclic triaxial loading.Canadian Geotechnical Journal,2016, 53: 1939-1951. (SCI).

73.Enlong Liu, Shengshui Chen, YuanmingLai, et al. Particle breakage of artificially crushable materials subject to drained cyclic triaxial loading.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2016, 89:262-268. (SCI)

74.Liu Enlong, Hai-Sui Yu, Deng Gang, et al. Numerical Analysis of Seepage-Deformation in Unsaturated Soils.Acta Geotechnica, 2014, 9: 1045-1058. (SCI).

75.Enlong Liu, Siming He. Effects of cyclic dynamic loading on the mechanical properties of intact rock samples under confining pressure conditions.Engineering Geology, 2012,125:81-91. (SCI).

76.Enlong Liu, Runqiu Huang, Siming He. Effects of Frequency on the Dynamic Properties of Intact Rock Samples Subjected to Cyclic Loading under Confining Pressure Conditions.Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2012, 45: 89-102. (SCI).

77.Enlong Liu, Chen Shengshui, Li Guoying. Breakage and Deformation Mechanism of Crushable Blocky Materials.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2012, 49: 125-133. (SCI) .

78.Enlong Liu, Siming He, Xinhua Xue, et al. Dynamic Properties of Intact Rock Samples Subjected to Cyclic Loading under Confining Pressure Conditions.Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2011, 44: 629-634. (SCI)

79.Enlong Liu. Breakage and Deformational Mechanism of Crushable Granular Materials.Computers and Geotechnics, 2010,37(5): 723-730. (SCI)

80.E.L Liu, H.L. Xing. A double hardening thermo-mechanical constitutive model for overconsolidated clays.Acta Geotechnica, 2009(4):1-6. (SCI).

81.王番,郅彬,刘恩龙,等.考虑局部胶结破损热力学行为的结构性黄土二元介质本构模型.岩土力学, 2025, 46(1):97-109. (EI).

82.张革,刘星炎,刘恩龙.基于三剪统一强度理论的多晶冰软化本构模型研究及应用[J].工程科学与技术,2024,56(3):90–98. (EI).

83.刘恩龙,蒋炼,姜晓琼,等.土颗粒材料中的复杂网络结构演化分析.岩土力学, 2023, 44(12): 3383-3404. (EI).

84.张革,刘恩龙.基于CT动态扫描的冻土细观二元介质本构模型.岩土工程学报, 2023, 45(9): 1888-1896. (EI).

85.郑青松,刘恩龙,刘明星.三轴试验下结构面倾角对制备岩样力学特性的影响.岩土力学, 2019, 40(5): 1854-1861. (EI).

86.张德,刘恩龙,刘星炎,等.冻土二元介质模型探讨-以-6℃冻结粉土为例.岩土工程学报, 2018, 40(1): 82-90.(EI).

87.张德,刘恩龙,刘星炎,等.冻结粉土强度准则探讨.岩土力学, 2018, 39(9): 1001-1009.(EI).

88.何淼,刘恩龙,陈亚军,等.不排水条件下轴向加卸载时结构性土的力学特性探讨.岩石力学与工程学报, 2017, 36(2): 466-474. (EI).

89.刘恩龙,刘明星,陈生水,等.基于热力学和微极理论考虑颗粒破碎的微观力学模型.岩土工程学报, 2015, 276-283.(EI).

90.刘恩龙,罗开泰,张树祎.初始应力各向异性结构性土的二元介质模型.岩土力学.2013, 34(11): 3103-3109. (EI).

91.罗开泰,聂青,刘恩龙.人工制备初始应力各向异性结构性土方法探讨.岩土力学, 2013, 34(10): 2815-2820. (EI).

92.刘恩龙,陈生水,李国英,等.循环荷载作用下考虑颗粒破碎的堆石体本构模型.岩土力学. 2012, 33(7): 1972-1978.(EI).

93.刘恩龙,黄润秋,何思明.循环加载时围压对岩石动力特性的影响.岩土力学,2011, 32(10): 3009-3013. (EI).

94.刘恩龙,沈珠江.人工制备结构性土力学特性试验研究.岩土力学.2007,28(4),679-683. (EI).

95.刘恩龙,沈珠江.结构性土强度准则探讨.工程力学.2007,24(2):50-55. (EI).

96.刘恩龙,沈珠江.结构性土压缩曲线的数学模拟.岩土力学,2006,27(4):615-620. (EI).

97.刘恩龙,沈珠江.岩土材料不同应力路径下脆性变化的二元介质模拟.岩土力学,2006,27(2): 261-267. (EI).

98.刘恩龙,沈珠江.不同应力路径下结构性土的力学特性.岩石力学与工程学报. 2006,25(10):2058-2064. (EI).

99.刘恩龙,沈珠江.结构性土的强度准则.岩土工程学报,2006,28(10):1248-1252. (EI).

100.刘恩龙,沈珠江.结构性土的二元介质模型.水利学报, 2005,36(4):391-395. (EI)












1. 2012届,罗开泰,论文题目:初始应力各向异性结构性土的本构模型;(硕士)

2. 2013届,韩磊,论文题目:含砾黏性滑带土力学特性研究;(硕士)

3. 2013届,覃燕林,论文题目:粒状材料破碎机理研究;(硕士)

4. 2014届,聂青,论文题目:结构性土的卸载体缩特性和二元介质本构模型研究;(硕士)

5. 2014届,彭旭,论文题目:粗-细粒混合土的动力特性研究;(硕士)

6. 2015届,陈亚军,论文题目:初始应力各向异性结构性土的强度准则及二元介质模型有限元模拟;(硕士)

7. 2015届,魏巍,论文题目:循环荷载作用下粒状材料破碎机理研究;(硕士)

8. 2016届,罗会武,论文题目:土冻结过程中的水-热-力耦合数值分析;(硕士)

9. 2016届,曹鹏,论文题目:颗粒材料的细观结构及力链演化机理;(硕士)

10. 2017届,侯丰,论文题目:坝料冻结混合土的蠕变本构模型;(硕士)

11. 2017届,唐勇,论文题目:不同应力路径下结构性土的力学特性及细观破损机理探讨;(与余海岁老师共同指导)(硕士)

12. 2017届,何淼,论文题目:结构性土减载孔压特性及二元介质本构模型数值模拟;(硕士)

13. 2017届,曹富,论文题目:岩石SCDC和SCSDC试样的稳态和非稳态断裂全过程研究(与王启智老师共同指导);(硕士)

14. 2018届,刘明星,论文题目:循环荷载下节理岩体的动力特性和二元介质动本构模型研究;(博士)

15. 2018届,蒋炼,论文题目:滑坡起动与滑动过程的复杂网络分析;(硕士)

16. 2018届,蒋宇卓,论文题目:卵石层隧道失稳机制及其颗粒流模拟研究;(硕士)

17. 2019届,张德,论文题目:冻土细观强度准则和二元介质静、动本构模型研究;(博士)

18. 2019届,俞豪俊,论文题目:人工胶结模拟坝基覆盖层混合土的动力性质与二元介质动本构模型;(博士)

19. 2019届,宋丙堂,论文题目:冻结混合土的蠕变性质与本构模型;(硕士)

20. 2019届,田健秋,论文题目:不同形状的颗粒材料细观结构演化及宏-细观力学性质研究;(硕士)

21. 2019届,李鑫,论文题目:冻结黄土的黏弹塑性蠕变本构模型研究;(与余海岁老师共同指导);(硕士)

22. 2019届,郑青松,论文题目:不同频率循环荷载作用下模拟含弱面岩样的动力特性研究;(硕士)

23. 2019届,毛磊,论文题目:人工模拟堆石料的动力颗粒破碎力学特性研究;(硕士)

24. 2020届,刘星炎,论文题目:冻土双剪强度准则和双硬化本构模型研究;(博士)

25. 2020届,张革,论文题目:冻结混合土的细观力学特性及热力学本构模型研究;(博士)

26. 2020届,苏雨,论文题目:人造多晶冰的动力特性与破坏机理研究;(硕士)

27. 2020届,胡言鹏,论文题目:降雨诱发坡面泥石流堆积体应力变形分析研究;(硕士)

28. 2020届,黄记,论文题目:冻融条件下两河口水电站砾石黏土心墙料力学特性研究;(硕士)

29. 2020届,王帅,论文题目:不同应力路径下黄土的力学特性与本构模型研究;(与郅彬老师共同指导);(硕士)

30. 2021届,刘友能,论文题目:循环荷载作用下冻融尾矿料的细观破损机理与二元介质本构模型;(博士)

31. 2021届,罗飞,论文题目:冻结冰碛土的静动力特性与二元介质本构模型研究;(博士)

32. 2021届,杨柳新,论文题目:冻融循环条件下含根系土双硬化本构模型研究;(硕士)

33. 2021届,何川,论文题目:高速远程滑坡水-热-力耦合数值模拟研究;(硕士)

34. 2021届,肖薇,论文题目:冻融作用下压实心墙坝料冷生构造发育机制及水热力耦合数值分析;(硕士)

35. 2022届,余笛,论文题目:岩石的宏-细-微观三尺度动力二元介质本构模型研究;(博士)

36. 2022届,田健秋,论文题目:饱和及非饱和颗粒材料多尺度本构模型研究;(博士)

37. 2022届,王丹,论文题目:冻融循环作用下冻结土石混合体的动力特性及动本构模型研究;(博士)

38. 2022届,王番,论文题目:冻土的多尺度弹塑/弹黏塑性二元介质本构模型研究;(博士)

39. 2022届,王小婵,论文题目:考虑颗粒形状影响的可破碎粒状材料本构模型研究;(与郅彬老师共同指导);(硕士)

40. 2023届,尹霄,论文题目:不同孔隙结构下土冻结过程多物理场耦合模型研究;(博士)

41. 2023届,许然,论文题目:基于离散元颗粒流模拟的泥石流起动机理和运动过程研究;(博士)

42. 2023届,孙艺,论文题目:循环荷载作用下结构性土的宏-细观本构模型研究;(博士)

43. 2023届,李明,论文题目:冻融环境下盐渍土力学特性及纳米改性研究;(硕士)

44. 2023届,马付龙,论文题目:考虑压融效应的高温冻土多孔介质本构模型研究;(博士)

45. 2023届,张冲,论文题目:季冻区非饱和土在温度梯度作用下的多物理场耦合研究;(博士)

46. 2023届,罗伟,论文题目:冻融环境下含根系土的细观变形机理与二元介质扩展本构模型;(博士)

47. 2023届,叶霞,论文题目:冻融作用下油污染盐渍土力学特性与本构模型研究;(与第宝锋老师共同指导)(博士)

48. 2023届,姜晓琼,论文题目:基于接触网络结构演化的非饱和土宏细观特性研究;(博士)

49. 2024届,禹艳阳,论文题目:坝基深厚覆盖层深埋土体的静动力特性与本构模型研究;(博士)

50. 2024届,陈领,论文题目:冻融循环作用下裂隙砂岩的静/动力特性及多尺度本构关系研究;(博士)

51. 2024届,康建,论文题目:冰-岩界面的力学特性及破坏机理研究;(博士)

52. 2024届,唐诗佳,论文题目:基于CFD-DEM耦合的砂土静动力特性研究;(硕士)

53. 2024届,刘铭睿,论文题目:红层软岩的力学特性及二元介质本构模型的数值实现;(硕士)


1. 2010届,马彦磊,论文题目:高坝筑坝材料颗粒破碎机理试验研究;

2. 2010届,宋长航,论文题目:粗细粒混合土动力特性试验研究;

3. 2010届,秦燕林,论文题目:粒状材料破损过程数值模拟研究;

4. 2011届,熊杨,论文题目:粗细粒混合土力学特性试验研究;

5. 2011届,胡万雨,论文题目:粗粒料颗粒破碎试验研究;

6. 2011届,刘明富,设计;

7. 2012届,张树祎,论文题目:基于颗粒流的结构性土样生成方法探讨及破损机理分析;

8. 2012届,陈子文,设计;

9. 2012届,骆玉峰,设计;

10. 2012届,其麦措,设计;

11. 2014届,杜长劼,论文题目:基于FEM结构块试样破损过程的宏细观机理探讨;

12. 2014届,邓春文,论文题目:单向压缩条件下不同粒径及级配粗颗粒的破碎特性;

13. 2014届,蔡欢,设计;

14. 2014届,周东,设计;

15. 2015届,陈艺通,论文题目:人工制备结构性土的蠕变特性研究;

16. 2015届,尹霄,论文题目:含EPS昔格达土的力学性质;

17. 2015届,杨宇龙,设计;

18. 2015届,张闫刚,设计;

19. 2016届,田健秋,论文题目:颗粒形状对颗粒材料的力学性质的影响;

20. 2016届,张琳,设计;

21. 2016届,张弢,设计;

22. 2017届,孙艺,论文题目:基于颗粒流的结构性土在循环荷载作用下的宏细观破损机理探讨;

23. 2017届,王富乾,设计;

24. 2017届,苏雨,论文题目:基于连续-离散计算方法的颗粒破碎宏-细观机理及强度准则;(西北农林科技大学);

25. 2018届,杨柳新,论文题目:裂缝特征对非饱和土坡应力和变形影响数值分析;

26. 2018届,蒋汶欣,论文题目:冻融循环对黄土力学性质的影响;

27. 2018届,陈宇,设计;

28. 2019届,禹艳阳,论文题目:冻融作用对两河口心墙坝接触黏土力学性质的影响探讨;

29. 2019届,鲜杰,论文题目:黏土在冻融作用下的压缩特性及强度参数的变化分析;

30. 2019届,孔德蓓,设计;

31. 2020届,蔡梓胤,论文题目:基于连续-非连续方法的易贡滑坡起动滑动过程数值分析;

32. 2020届,易泉,设计;

33. 2020届,陈聪,论文题目:破碎颗粒材料的细观演化规律及机理初探;(西北大学)。

34. 2021届,吴丹妮,论文题目:干湿循环条件下非饱和根系土的变形机理初步探讨;

35. 2021届,司文嘉浩,论文题目:冻/融循环条件下非饱和根系土的变形机理初步探讨;

36. 2022届,王启航,论文题目:多孔岩石与混凝土界面破坏规律及机理分析;

37. 2022届,王光铎,设计;

38. 2022届,凡龙疆,论文题目:基于Flac3D的某边坡隧道模型分析;(成都理工大学)

39. 2023届,周相苗,论文题目:基于离散单元法的原状砂土样的动力特性模拟分析;

40. 2023届,徐玮,设计;

41. 2024届,杨毕亮,论文题目:颗粒大小对粗粒土抗剪强度影响研究;

42. 2024届,杜中强,设计。



2. 2011.05-2012.05,学生:彭武平、杨毅、李春霖、陈玉妍、樊殷莉、王毅、李鲲、石杰,研究题目:粗细粒混合土动力特性试验研究;

3. 2012.05-2013.01,学生:陈稚瓛、杨晨、王怡庆子、陈文惠,研究题目:考虑结构性影响的粘性土沉降计算探讨;

4. 2012.05-2013.01,学生:徐博健、王槐庭、雷冰峰、王慧中,研究题目:城市河道除淤技术探讨;

5. 2012.05-2013.01,学生:李戌、田宏卫、骆心圣、李松涛、邵山,研究题目:基于土体不均匀沉降造成的建筑物倾斜的预防措施探讨;

6. 2014.04-2015.04,学生:陈泽华、辛政、侯许佳、苏怡、韦丹,研究题目:川大江安校区自行车共租系统规划与方案设计;

7. 2015.03-2016.03,学生:李金泰、陆彤、罗璨璨、季京宣、赵巍,研究题目:一种形状新型抗旱防渗薄膜材料的研制;

8. 2017.03-2018.03,学生:郭嘉琛、卿春林、彭华聪,研究题目:冻融循环对黄土的微观结构和力学性质的影响探讨;

9. 2017.03-2018.03,学生:张亚东,研究题目:膏体尾矿材料的力学性质探讨;

10. 2017.03-2018.03,学生:朱豪伟、禹艳阳,研究题目:级配不连续土的力学性质与变形机理探讨

11. 2017.03-2018.03,学生:杨柳新、肖榆撷、谢荻雅,研究题目:粒径大小对土的力学性质与变形机理研究探讨;

12. 2018.03-2019.03,学生:禹艳阳、朱豪伟,研究题目:粗细粒混合土的力学性质与细观变形机理初探;

13. 2019.03-2020.03,学生:曹小敏、吴丹妮,研究题目:干/湿循环条件下非饱和膨胀土的变形机理初步探;

14. 2019.03-2020.03,学生:李兆鑫、官智纯、辜意琳、蔡君怡、谢江洋,研究题目:含盐黄土的力学性质初步分析;

15. 2019.03-2020.03,学生:李多惠、王洪涛、杜卓然,研究题目:成都地区污染土的工程性质初探;

16. 2019.03-2020.03,学生:王璐瑶、段定宏、刘铭睿,研究题目:贡嘎山植物根系、土壤、水相互作用初步分析;

17. 2020.12-2021.10,学生:李宇晨、凌淇淞、段红振,研究题目: 污染物对土的工程性质影响初探;





22. 2021.11-2022.10,学生:毛铭轩、刘操、汪卓,研究题目:寒旱区典型植被根系固土仿生机理初探;




2019届博士研究生张德获得中国科IM电竞 大学优秀毕业生;

2020届博士研究生刘星炎获得中国科IM电竞 院长奖学金;

2022届博士研究生王番获得中国科IM电竞 大学优秀毕业生,获得北京市优秀毕业生;












学术期刊《Geotechnique》、《International Journal of Plasticity》、《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences》、《Engineering Geology》、《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》、《Soils and Foundations》、《Acta Geotechnica》、《Computer and Geotechnics》、《Geotechnical Testing Journal》、《International Journal of Fatigue》、《Journal of Hydrology》、《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》、《Powder Technology》、《Mechanics of Materials》、《Cold Regions Science and Technology》、《Natural Hazards》、《Scientific report》、《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》、《Geomechanics and engineering an international journal》、《Experimental Techniques》、《Granular Matter》、《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》、《European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering》、《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》等英文期刊,及《岩土工程学报》、《岩石力学与工程学报》、《岩土力学》等中文期刊的审稿人。


《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》;



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