


姓名:邓建辉 性别:男 出生年月:1965-08-10 学位:博士 职称:教授 联系地址:中国.四川.成都市一环路南一段24号IM电竞-IM电竞平台 电子邮箱:[email protected] 电话号码:13980959251 Dr. DENG, Jianhui Professor of Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology College of Water Resources and Hydropower State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering Sichuan University South section 24, Ring road 1, Chengdu 610065 Cell Phone: (86) 13980959251 Fax: (8628) 85405604 E-mail: [email protected]


Ph.D. in Hydraulic Structure Engineering,WuhanUniversityof Hydraulic and Electric Engineering (now Wuhan University), 1994

M.S. in Rock and Soil Mechanics, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1992

B.Sc. in Mining Engineering,WuhanUniversityof Iron and Steel Technology (now Wuhan Universityof Science and Technology, 1985

Professional Experience

2004 to present, Professor of College of Water Resources and Hydropower, Deputy director of State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan University, Sichuan Province

1995 to 2004, Associate Research Professor and Professor of Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei Province

1985 to 1989, Assistant Engineer, Maanshan Institute of Mining Research, Metallurgical Ministry, Maanshan, Anhui Province

Research Interests

Hydropower engineering; landslide; rock engineering; geological hazard, engineering geology, field instrumentation and Feedback Analysis

Current Research Projects

National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFC1505006), Mechanism and risk control of major landslides in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, PI.

Key projects of National Science Foundation of China (U19A2098), Rock behaviors and engineering safety at great depth, 2020.01-2023.12, PI

The Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research Program (2019QZKK0905), Field instrumentation and evolution of landslides along Sichuan-Tibetan Railway, 2019.11-2024.10, investigator

Changjiang Institute of Survey, Planning, Design and Research, Influence of landslide damming events on reservoir bank stability in Wudongde hydropower Project, the lower Jinsha River, 2019.12-2021.11, PI

Professional Affiliations

Senior member with Chinese Society of Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME)

Associate Chair with Branch of Surface Rock Engineering, CSRME

Associate Chair with Branch of Environmental Geotechnical Engineering, CSRME

Member with International Society of Rock Mechanics

Member of Editorial Board with Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Rock and Soil Mechanics

Honors and Awards

Nominee of Best Paper (R. M. Quigley Award) in Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2001

Second Award of National Science and Technology Progress, 2006

Recent Publications

[1] Zhang Z. H., Deng J. H., Zhu J. B. A rapid and nondestructive method to determine normal and shear stiffness of a single rock joint based on 1D wave-propagation theory[J]. Geophysics, 2018, 83(1), WA89-WA100.

[2] Zhang Z.H., Deng J.H., Zhu J.B., Li L.R. An Experimental Investigation of the Failure Mechanisms of Jointed and Intact Marble under Compression Based on Quantitative Analysis of Acoustic Emission Waveforms[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51(7), 2299-2307.

[3] Zhang Z. H., Deng J. H., Zhu J. B. Rapid and inverse determination of joint normal stiffness based on wave propagation theory. In 51st US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.

[4] Liu A, Zheng L, Deng J, et al. Landslide susceptibility of the Xiangjiaba Reservoir area associated with the Yaziba Fault[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology & the Environment, 2018, 77(1):1-11.

[5] Li L R, Deng J H, Zheng L, et al. Dominant Frequency Characteristics of Acoustic Emissions in White Marble During Direct Tensile Tests[J]. Rock Mechanics & Rock Engineering, 2017, 50(5):1-10.

[6] Tie-xin Liu, Jian-hui Deng, Jun Zheng, Lu Zheng, Zheng-hu Zhang, Hong-chun Zheng. A new semi-deterministic block theory method with digital photogrammetry for stability analysis of a high rock slope in China. Engineering Geology, 2017, 216, 76-89.

[7] Lin-rui Li, Jian-hui Deng, Jian-feng Liu, et al. A new understanding of punch-through shear testing[J]. Géotechnique Letters, 2017, 7(2):1-7.

[8] Tao Chen, Jian-hui Deng, Nicolas Sitar, Jun Zheng, Tie-xin Liu, Ai-juan Liu, Lu Zheng. Stability investigation and stabilization of a heavily fractured and loosened rock slope during construction of a strategic hydropower station in China[J]. Engineering Geology, 2017, 221: 70-81

[9] Zheng J, Kulatilake P.H.S.W. & Deng J. Development of a probabilistic block theory analysis procedure and its application to a rock slope at a hydropower station in China. Engineering Geology. 2015, 188: 110-125

[10] Zheng J, Deng J, Zhang G & Yang X. Validation of Monte Carlo simulation for discontinuity locations in space. Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 62: 103-109

[11] Zheng J., Deng J., Yang X., Wei J., Zheng H. and Cui Y. An improved Monte Carlo simulation method for discontinuity orientations based on Fisher distribution and its program implementation, Computers and Geotechnics, 2014, 61: 266–276

[12] Zhou Y, Zhang X, Deng J. A mathematical optimization model of insulation layer\'s parameters in seasonally frozen tunnel engineering,. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2014,101:73-80

[13] Wei JB, Zhen HC, Cui YL and Deng JH. The effect of reservoir impounding on the failure of Qianjiangping landslide, the Three Gorges Reservoir. Disaster Advances. 2013, 6(S2):216-221








电子邮箱:[email protected]





1981.9-1985.7:武汉钢铁IM电竞 采选工程系,采矿工程学士学位


1989.9-1992.7:中国科IM电竞 武汉岩土力学研究所,岩土力学硕士学位



1995.4–2004.12:中国科IM电竞 武汉岩土力学研究所,副研究员(1996)、责任研究员(2002)、博士生导师(2003)

2004.12- 现在:四川大学水利水电工程IM电竞 ,水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点实验室,任教授、博士生导师。





从业30余年来,结合国家重大科研计划,以及重大水电工程和矿山科研项目的完成,对边坡和滑坡的变形与稳定、数值分析方法、原位监测与反馈分析方法等进行了较为系统的研究。先后作为负责人或科研骨干主持或参加了国家“攀登计划”1项、“973”项目3项、国家自然科学基金重点项目1项,重大国际合作项目2项,自然科学基金面上项目4项,重大工程攻关项目4项,香港RGC项目1项,中国科IM电竞 知识创新工程项目1项,省部级杰出人才基金3项。获得国家科技进步二等奖1项,省部级科技进步一等奖4项、二等奖3项,三等奖3项,发明专利8项,实用新型专利7项,发表论文170余篇,其中SCI收录论文20余篇,EI收录论文60余篇。论文“J.H.Deng, C.F.Lee, and X.R.Ge, Characterization of the disturbed zone in a large rock excavation for the Three Gorges Project, 2001: 95-106”获得《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》2001年度最佳论文提名奖(the R.M. Quigley Award)。


1) 大渡河猴子岩水电站泥洛堆积体稳定性分析,中国水电顾问集团成都勘测设计研究院,2015

2) “十二五”国家科技支撑计划专题,“重大地质灾害空天地一体化传感网数据获取技术研究与示范”子题“环境触发式视频信号采集技术”(2012BAK10B07-02),2012-2015

3) 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(NSFC-RCUK_NERC项目(中英)), 地震山区可持续经济社会发展系统模型(41661134012),2016-2018

4) 国家重点研发计划项目,深部岩体力学与开采理论,课题二“深部围岩长期稳定性分析与控制”子题“深部围岩不同尺度破裂机理及微震源信息解译”(2016YFC0600702),2016.07-2019.06

5) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41772322). 硬岩的水软化机制研究,2018.1.1-2021.12.31。


[0] Zhang Z. H., Deng J. H., Zhu J. B. A rapid and nondestructive method to determine normal and shear stiffness of a single rock joint based on 1D wave-propagation theory[J]. Geophysics, 2018, 83(1), WA89-WA100.

[1] Zhang Z.H., Deng J.H., Zhu J.B., Li L.R. An Experimental Investigation of the Failure Mechanisms of Jointed and Intact Marble under Compression Based on Quantitative Analysis of Acoustic Emission Waveforms[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51(7), 2299-2307.

[2] Zhang Z. H., Deng J. H., Zhu J. B. Rapid and inverse determination of joint normal stiffness based on wave propagation theory. In 51st US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.

[3] Liu A, Zheng L, Deng J, et al. Landslide susceptibility of the Xiangjiaba Reservoir area associated with the Yaziba Fault[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology & the Environment, 2018, 77(1):1-11.

[4] Li L R, Deng J H, Zheng L, et al. Dominant Frequency Characteristics of Acoustic Emissions in White Marble During Direct Tensile Tests[J]. Rock Mechanics & Rock Engineering, 2017, 50(5):1-10.

[5] Tie-xin Liu, Jian-hui Deng, Jun Zheng, Lu Zheng, Zheng-hu Zhang, Hong-chun Zheng. A new semi-deterministic block theory method with digital photogrammetry for stability analysis of a high rock slope in China. Engineering Geology, 2017, 216, 76-89.

[6] Lin-rui Li, Jian-hui Deng, Jian-feng Liu, et al. A new understanding of punch-through shear testing[J]. Géotechnique Letters, 2017, 7(2):1-7.

[7] Tao Chen, Jian-hui Deng, Nicolas Sitar, Jun Zheng, Tie-xin Liu, Ai-juan Liu, Lu Zheng. Stability investigation and stabilization of a heavily fractured and loosened rock slope during construction of a strategic hydropower station in China[J]. Engineering Geology, 2017, 221: 70-81

[8] Zheng J, Kulatilake P.H.S.W. & Deng J. Development of a probabilistic block theory analysis procedure and its application to a rock slope at a hydropower station in China. Engineering Geology. 2015, 188: 110-125

[9] Zheng J, Deng J, Zhang G & Yang X. Validation of Monte Carlo simulation for discontinuity locations in space. Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 62: 103-109

[10] Zheng J., Deng J., Yang X., Wei J., Zheng H. and Cui Y. An improved Monte Carlo simulation method for discontinuity orientations based on Fisher distribution and its program implementation, Computers and Geotechnics, 2014, 61: 266–276

[11] Zhou Y, Zhang X, Deng J. A mathematical optimization model of insulation layer\'s parameters in seasonally frozen tunnel engineering,. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2014,101:73-80

[12] Wei JB, Zhen HC, Cui YL and Deng JH. The effect of reservoir impounding on the failure of Qianjiangping landslide, the Three Gorges Reservoir. Disaster Advances. 2013, 6(S2):216-221

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