2020.09 - 至 今,IM电竞-IM电竞平台
2019.05 - 2020.08,IM电竞-IM电竞平台
2016.07 - 2019.04,IM电竞-IM电竞平台
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52174084,不同深度煤岩多尺度弱化机制及渗流-应力耦合渐进破坏机理研究,2022-2025,在研,主持;
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51804204,不同赋存深度煤岩采动渗流力学行为及损伤破坏能量机制研究,2019-2021,结题,主持;
[3] 中国博士后科学基金面上资助(一等),2017M610599,煤岩采动力学行为及能量灾变机理的深度效应研究,2017/07-2019/06,结题,主持;
[4] 中国博士后科学基金特别资助,2019T120841,不同赋存深度采动煤岩应力-裂隙-渗流耦合力学行为研究,2019-2021,结题,主持;
[5] 国家重点实验室开放基金项目,SHJT-17-42.13,煤柱坝体应力-渗流耦合特性及承载稳定性研究,2018.06-2020.05,结题,主持;
[1] 国家自然科学基金国家重大科研仪器研制项目,51827901,深部岩石原位保真取芯与保真测试分析系统,2019-2023,在研,主研;
[2] 国家自然科学基金委联合基金重点项目,U1965203,不同深度岩体工程力学特性与渗流长期稳定性研究,2020-2023,在研,主研;
[3] 国家重点发展研究计划项目,2016YFC0600701,深部岩体原位力学行为研究,2016/07-2019/06,结题,主研;
[4] 科技部973项目,2011CB201201,采动过程中破断煤岩体的结构特征及联通性规律,2011/01-2015/08,结题,主研;
1.Zhang, Zetian; Xie, Heping; Zhang, Ru*; Gao, Mingzhong; Ai, Ting; Zha, Ersheng; Size and spatial fractal distributions of coal fracture networks under different mining-induced stress conditions , International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2020, 132: 104364.
2.Gan, Feng; Xiaochuan, Wang; Yong, Kang; Zetian, Zhang*; Effect of thermal cycling-dependent cracks on physical and mechanical properties of granite for enhanced geothermal system , International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2020, 134: 104476.
3.Zha, Ersheng; Zhang, Zetian*; Zhang, Ru; Wu, Shiyong; Li, Cunbao; Ren, Li; Gao, Mingzhong; Zhou, Jifang; Long-term mechanical and acoustic emission characteristics of creep in deeply buried jinping marble considering excavation disturbance, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2021, 139: 104603.
4.Zhang, Zetian; Zhang, Ru*; Wu, Shiyong; Deng, Jianhui; Zhang, Zhaopeng; Xie, Jing; The Stress Sensitivity and Porosity Sensitivity of Coal Permeability at Different Depths: A Case Study in the Pingdingshan Mining Area , Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52(5): 1539-1563.
5.Z. Zhang, R. Zhang*, H. Xie, et al. Mining-induced coal permeability change under different mining layouts[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016, 49(9): 3753- 3768.
[1] 中国岩石力学与工程学会 深地空间探测与开发分会,理事、副秘书长;
[2]中国岩石力学与工程学会 地下工程分会,理事;
[3]《INT J MIN SCI TECHNO》(中科院1区TOP期刊)中青年编委;
[4]《Deep Underground Science and Engineering》青年编委(首届);
[5]《Geohazard Mechanics》青年编委(首届);
[8]《Frontiers in Earth Science》客座副主编;
[9]《Geofluids》 科学编辑;
[10]《ADV CIV ENG》科学编辑;
[11]Int J Rock Mech Min、Rock Mech Rock Eng、J Petrol Sci Eng等20余本国际SCI专业期刊审稿人。