进行学术讲座。邵颂东博士以“My Research Profile of Last 18 Years - Incompressible SPH Modelling ”为题,给大家带来了一场精彩全面的学术讲座。讲座由实验室副主任林鹏智教授主持,渥太华大学Ioan Nistor教授、浙江大学刘海江教授作为特邀嘉宾和IM电竞


Dr Songdong Shao obtained Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees from Tsinghua University in 1992 and 1998 and since then worked at Beijing Forestry University, Nanyang Technological University, Kyoto University, University of Plymouth, North China University of Electric Power, University of Hong Kong and University of Bradford. His research fields include coastal and river hydraulics, fluid-structure interaction, multi-fluid and porous flows. He researched in the SPH modelling field for nearly two decades and published 60 quality SCI papers. He is one of the pioneers who developed the incompressible SPH modelling technique for free surface flows. The total citations of works are 1900 (h-index 20) in Scopus and 1600 (h-index 19) in Web of Science, in which the earliest SPH paper has a single citation of 470 times. Besides, he published the first SPH paper in quite a few leading engineering journals. Dr Shao established strong links with many international collaborators and obtained funds from the Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering and European Union. He currently serves as the Editorial Board Member of Coastal Engineering Journal and Scientific Report of Nature, and also Technical Program Committee member of ISOPE. He was awarded with the Open Research Fund from the State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan University, from 2012 to 2019. Dr Shao holds the honourable title of visiting/guest professorships in several leading universities and is frequently invited to give research seminars.